
  1. D

    Thank you God ! now he has ...

    Thank you God ! now he has stopped gaming and reading pl pray for him to continue reading and to have good mental and physical state to write the exam which will be held from 4 to 19 January in 2024 . Pl pray for him to read well and answer well for questions . Thank you .God bless you all
  2. Sundewen

    Getting off

    Please help pj get off the computer and stop gaming so much. Help him stop steaming and trying to make everything about gaming. Let him see there's more to life then a computer
  3. allie222

    Getting off

    Please help pj stop gaming all day and do something else. Help him see its not healthy. Help him distance himself from jd
  4. allie222


    Please help jd see he's ruining his relationship by pushing me away. Help him want to spend time with me, want to bond with me. Have alone time. Help him get off gaming earlier. Help him find his romantic self again
  5. allie222


    Please help Devon see that gaming isn't healthy gaming all day. Help him bond with his friends and girlfriend and kids
  6. allie222

    Something else

    Help Angie realize that gaming isn't healthy. Help her find other hobbies and interests instead. Help her distance herself from Jd. Help her bond with her bf if she has one or meet someone special
  7. allie222

    Moving on

    Please help Cassie stop communicating with Jd. Help jd stop communicating with her. Help them see there friendship isn't right. Help Cassie find other hobbies and interests instead of gaming
  8. allie222


    Let pj see that his friendship with jd isn't healthy. Help pj distance himself from Jd. Help him bond with his other friends. Help pj spend time free time doing other things instead of gaming
  9. allie222

    Doing something else

    Please help pj spend time with family and friends and neighbors instead of gaming today. Help him do something nice for the kids and his girlfriend. It's summer go outside instead of gaming
  10. allie222

    Something else

    Please help pj get off the internet and do something else. Let him see gaming for hours isn't healthy.
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