Proverbs Chapter 17

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I so love the Book of Proverbs! In this chapter, the verse, "Whoever mocks the poor reproaches his Maker;" speaks to me in a very strong way. I work security in a hospital in a bad area. The homeless often come in and pretend to be suicidal just for a place to stay. We often have to turn them away. Then they will say they need to be seen in ER, so that they can sleep for a couple of hours in our beds. It is so easy to become cynical after dealing with it every single day. These are the times that I need to remember where I come from, and not judge them, but pray for and encourage them. I needed this Scripture reading today! Have a great day, brothers and sisters in Christ!
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Jesus is our best friend ever. Just like this wonderful verse says. A friend loves at all times. I am so glad Jesus is my friend and confidant. Merciful beyond description. He took away all of my sins and guilt from my heart. Praise His holy name. Amen
There is no one like Jesus, full of love, mercy and compassion. He has come to earth to save us from going to hells burning fire. He gave me a merry heart to honor and praise His holy name. Prov. 17.22. I am so grateful to Him for being so kind to me.
Lovely verse that made me think deep in my own soul. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine. V.22 Only Jesus can bring happiness and joy in our life. When we are hurt and all alone in this world, Jesus comes along our path and say. Come to Me, I wil give you peace.
I so love the Book of Proverbs! In this chapter, the verse, "Whoever mocks the poor reproaches his Maker;" speaks to me in a very strong way. I work security in a hospital in a bad area. The homeless often come in and pretend to be suicidal just for a place to stay. We often have to turn them away. Then they will say they need to be seen in ER, so that they can sleep for a couple of hours in our beds. It is so easy to become cynical after dealing with it every single day. These are the times that I need to remember where I come from, and not judge them, but pray for and encourage them. I needed this Scripture reading today! Have a great day, brothers and sisters in Christ!
Amen. Glory to God.

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