Proverbs Chapter 17

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I so love the Book of Proverbs! In this chapter, the verse, "Whoever mocks the poor reproaches his Maker;" speaks to me in a very strong way. I work security in a hospital in a bad area. The homeless often come in and pretend to be suicidal just for a place to stay. We often have to turn them away. Then they will say they need to be seen in ER, so that they can sleep for a couple of hours in our beds. It is so easy to become cynical after dealing with it every single day. These are the times that I need to remember where I come from, and not judge them, but pray for and encourage them. I needed this Scripture reading today! Have a great day, brothers and sisters in Christ!
17:27 He who spares his words has knowledge; And he who is of a cool spirit is a man of understanding. This is one of my favorites verses in Psalms 17. I often times struggle with this. I'm in continued prayer to be able to spare my words. However, out the abundance of the mouth, the heart speaks. Therefore, victory is mine in JESUS name! What an awesome GOD we serve!!!
Prov 17:27

He who has knowledge spares his words, and a man of understanding has a cool spirit.

this verse reminds me to zipped up when faced with situations i have no prior knowledge.

also reminds me to always be in communion with the holy Spirit when things are taking

place of which i have no control of. thank You holy Spirit for this wonderful confirmation today.
Never ever mock the poor instead give them something they will use or eat. Jesus told us to love our neighbor whoever they are even the poor who is sticking his hand for a handout. Please do not give them money because they will use for liquor or drugs. Give them some bread or buy them food for them to eat. If you have an extra coat for the cold weather, then give that too. God will see your good deeds and will reward richly.
He who has a wayward and crooked mind finds no good, and he who has a willful and contrary tongue will fall into calamity....

the mind is a "funny" place to get lost inside of...and many stay in the protection of themselves.."self willed.....words give life or death they bring hope or discouragement.......our tongues bring hope that otherwise wouldn't be before a person..Our tongues can lead the sinner to His Love and Mercy along with His Grace that we so freely received. to Hope in Him through His love...the bible is clear on how we are to reach out to matter who they are...God didn't come to save the ones who already know Him...He came for the sinner...He was also mocked for reaching out to the lost and dying...sinner....let us not walk in opposition to what He needs us to be...Him..His ambassadors....let us follow Him with Power and authority belief upon His word and Mercy...and give Love matter the cost to ourselves...people are in a "bad" place because life can and does get very hard...and a wayward and crooked mind finds no good....and our oh's the greatest feat...I overcome...ones mouth! for out of it comes what is in the heart...Lord let us speak Your wisdom in all
Lord Jesus, please let me be a man of understanding, of love, mercy and kindness.  Oh my God and my redeemer, I am standing at your feet. To hear your words of wisdom through your word. From the bottom of my heart I call on your holy name. Come unto me and I will give you rest. You told us. Les us come boldly to the throne of grace and mercy and receive you.  I am so sorry for all of my sins. We have offended you in every situation of life. Have mercy and compassion. Please, feed the hungry, clothe the naked and filled them with the Holy Spirit. Amen
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Oh my God, my Jesus and muy saviuor. I place my trust in you alone because the help of men is not secure. I come before your holy throne to give you all my praise and honor. I believe and accept everything you have said in Your word. Because your word is an everlasting truth. Please Lord, give strong faith to serve you better. In feeding the five thousand people at the mountain you told them that you are the bread of life and everyone who eats this bread will not hunger. Please Jesus allow me to be your servant. Visiting the sick and the infirm. These people are the ones who are forgotten and no one visits them.  But You are with them and in them.  Help me to pray for each and every one of them. I love you Lord with my whole heart. Please lead my path to eternal life. Forgive all of my sins and give me the assurance that You are always near. Even when I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil... because you are with me.  This wonderful chapter reminds me of your mercy and compassion to all of us who read it. We just want to thank you so much for giving us Your word. to read it every day. In Chrsts name,. Amen

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