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Love your brothers and sisters in Christ because they are your own flesh and blood (having the blood of Jesus in their veins). And if you love your brothers and sisters, this means you love Father God to, because they are all (including you) the children of the same Father. The same family. So, this means, when somebody sais that he loves God, and doesnt love brothers and sisters, he is practicaly deceiving himself. What does it mean to love someone? Dont be proudful that you are better then others, forgive as soon as you can, help, support, encourage ; if you are cold and intellectual and all knowing and you distance yourself from others because you are to smart, this is not love. Only God knows everything. Be like a little child of a...
Although that may seem like a strange sentence, it can be true. It has a lot to do with faith, as well. If you get to a very rough spot in your life, don't despair! He will always be there. You won't be walking the road alone.
Never ever leave a church just for the fun of it. Fast and pray before the Lord if you see or hear gossip. Jesus want us all in church. Be a blessing to everyone you see. Pray for your pastor. Pray for all deacons and everyone else. Jesus loves those who obey His word.
I thought Gods laws apply to everyone.Now reaping and sewing. Does that apply to the physical too?You would think so.since its the same principal.But let me introduce you to people I've seen who seem to be getting around it.I've seen some who eat high calorie foods, and consistently,yet don't gain weight.Some who eat high fat foods consistently, but their cholesterol levels remain normal.And some who I 've seen who smoke several packs a day for years, and live to be older than most,and don't get emphysema or lung cancer.How are these people seemingly getting around the law of reaping and sewing?Or doesn't it apply to the physical also?
God has a plan - trust him Saturday 8th September 2018 'He makes everything work out according to his plan.' Ephesians 1:11 NLT Sometimes we pray for a certain thing, thinking it's good for us, but only God knows what's best for us. Sometimes he'll say to us, 'Not that way. If you trust me, I've got something better for you.' We can get upset when God says no to us, not realising we might have been more upset if he'd given us what we asked for. That's why it's so important for us to pray for God's guidance. Trusting God and following his plan can be like walking down a misty lane. The mist hides whatever's at the end, and you can only see a couple of steps ahead of you. But as you go further along that lane and venture into the...
I notice something.Some things flip back and forth.Now the devil is called the "prince of the power of the air", and since the unsaved are under his sway,I'm wondering if that could explain their mood swings and changeable nature.Like, I notice that at times people seem to have a "reasonable" reaction to me,but from as soon as the next day on, it's like every single person reacts in a rude way to me throughout the day.{Not their words, their actions.}That could last even a few days, although on some days it's REALLY like everybody.Then it gets"normal" again for a short time, before they "flip" again.I've noticed this for years, but only recently I thought of it in a spiritual way, like, if the devil is the prince of the power of the...
O Lord, You are so beautiful to all of us. Saving us from going to hells burning fire. You o Lord brought us to a place of peace, joy and happiness. Your words o Lord are so deep and eternal. We cannot understand. We cannot figure it out. Give us wisdom from heaven. Show us the way that leads to glory. I can hear Your voice... If you need Me... just call Me. I am right there for you. I do not care if you are sleeping, just get up and speak to Me. I am ready to hear what you have to say. I am not angry with anyone. I have taken all your sins away from you and now you are My child and I love you with an everlasting love. If you are having any problems in life, troubles and tribulations has come to you. Call on Me. I...
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