
A daily reminder that God cares and that we care about your marriage.

When She Wants Sex and He Doesn’t (As Much)

It’s a great problem to have: I haven’t been able to blog lately because I’m in a crunch with a book deadline. My wonderful publisher, Baker Books, awaits the latest draft of The Higher Desire Wife, which will be released early in 2025. Since I’ve been steeped in this topic for a while, I decided to look back at the first-ever post I wrote about higher desire...

The Church on Sex: We’re Not There, But We’re Doing Better

When I first started this ministry (over 13 years ago!), there were few resources available for Christians wanting sex advice that was both biblical and practical. Yes, they existed, and I’m so grateful to those forerunners! But given the need, the supply wasn’t nearly enough. Nowadays, I can point to resources that provide quality information and wisdom for fostering...

Is It Okay to Say No?

In the last few weeks, I’ve received three separate questions from wives that overlap in their tone. Summarizing what they asked about:

  • Doesn’t a husband need oral sex to be sexually satisfied?
  • How can I handle a husband who persists in wanting to be pegged (defined below)?
  • Is a wife in the wrong for not wanting her husband to talk about her being with other men, aka...

3 More Principles Christians Should Affirm About Sex

Last week, I covered the first three of seven misconceptions and false teachings about sex that still hang around out there, coming from Christian authors and speakers, church leaders, and believers in general. While we can have honest and reasonable disagreements about particulars, some principles should be affirmed by all Christians.

The first four principles...

The “Golden Trio” That Could Bring Her to Orgasm

Embrace a Sexual Growth Mindset

One of the most frustrating comments I ever get goes something like this: “I wish I’d slept with my spouse before marriage, so I would have known whether we were sexually compatible.” I see at least three major errors in that statement:

  1. Regretting that you did the right thing (see What Does the Bible Say About Premarital Sex?)
  2. Believing that sex...

4 Principles Christians Should Affirm About Sex

This post was originally titled 4 Principles Christian Bloggers should affirm about sex. Several times since, I’ve thought that was far too narrow. Rather, all Christians should understand and embrace these principles—the four I’m sharing (again) today and the three I’ll share next week.

Image of couple's feet in bed with blog post title

From time to time, I read an article, listen to a podcast episode, or see a social...

One Week Until Valentine’s Day (Are You Ready?)


Every year, couples around the world celebrate Valentine’s Day, and this celebration hails back to at least the 5th century when Pope Gelasius declared February 14 St. Valentine’s Day. Who was Saint Valentine? There are three potential saints who might be linked to this holiday, but many of us favor one particular legend:

Valentine was a priest who served...


What Are Your Trigger Words?

I have a friend who hates the word “sexy.” It has a negative connotation for her, while I’m eager to embrace the word when my husband uses it to refer to moi. Our histories and perspectives aren’t the same, and that’s okay. I’ve learned to adjust my word choice when I’m in conversation with her.

Especially since I have my own words about sex that trigger a negative...
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