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When everything is finished, when everything is done we have time to praise, honor and glorify the Lord. More time to read Gods word, teach Sunday School, visit the sick in nursing homes and help the poor and need. Jesus is leading our path to heaven. Let us all obey His word. Follow Me. We paid our dues We done our time. We put long hours too. Now it is time to retire. Calling on the Lord. What should I do for You? Where I should go? I am ready to do Thy will. My life will not end, Till Jesus calls me home. Till I hear His sweet and tender call. Come to Me, I will give you rest. Great moment awaits for all of us who are ready to retire with the Lord leading our path. The redeemed will never retire when we are serving Jesus...
I was going through a deep depression and stress due to so many things to do in life and not spending time with Jesus. Forgetting to praise Him and to read His word and obey what He said. Terrible things comes to our life when we forget to honor the Lord wherever we are. Why all these needless grief coming to me? Why do I carry on and on? Know full well there is help ahead. Frustration and loss comes along. And our hope in God is gone. We have forgotten Jesus word. I am with you always. Return to Me. I will give you rest. Each new day we face. We must seek Him. Who is looking for us. He is the answer to all our needs. In Me, ye shall find peace.. says the Lord. The day may groan and signs may break down in front of us, but one...
Last night I dreamed I was in heaven and looking after my loved ones, friends, my colleagues and those I was praying all this time. I saw them all. They were huddle together singing praises to Jesus Hallelujah, for the Lord our God reigns, hallelujah, holy, are You Lord God almighty, worthy is the Lamb You are holy. Amen Before the Lord our God we bow down in praise, adoration and worship. He reigns above and rules the world below, boundless in power and love. Let us bring offerings of praise to His holy name, our hearts we raise to His holy throne. Day after day and night after night keep calling on Him and send sound of praise to Him. Our God is King of kings and Lord of lords today, tomorrow and for all eternity. May all...
Bible in a Year: Psalms 57–59,Romans 4 Jesus . . . said, “Let the little children come to me.” Luke 18:16 As our adopted granny lay in her hospital bed after suffering several strokes, her doctors were unsure of the amount of brain damage she had endured. They needed to wait until she was a bit better to test 3d615ef9 her brain function. She spoke very few words and even fewer were understandable. But when the eighty-six-year-old woman—who had babysat my daughter for twelve years—saw me, she opened her parched mouth and asked: “How is Kayla?” The first words she spoke to me were about my child whom she had loved so freely and fully. Jesus loved children too and put them in the forefront even though His disciples disapproved. Some...
Rejoice in the Lord always when you praise Him and adore His holy name wherever you are. He is exalted forever exalted. And I will praise His name. He is the Lord Forever His truth shall reign. Heaven adore. Rejoice in His holy name. Remember this. Praise coming out from a thankful heart facilitates access to His holy presence. Jesus delights in the praises of His people. David discovered this truth when He said.... I will praise Your name forever, my King and my God. Everyday will I praise You and exalt Your name forever and ever. Psalm 145.1 O Lord, You are my protector and strenght in the day of trouble, You come along and help me. You are my light in the darkest days of my life and You lift me up to a hight ground. You...
When hurricanes and tornadoes hits our rood we are full of fear of what is going to happen to us. Run to a safe shelter inmediately such a basement, storm cellar or a small interior room on the lowest level. Stay away from windows and doors so the strong wind will not get us out and fly away to our death. Call unto the Lord for protection and kindness. Hurricanes and tornadoes are very dangerous to deal with. O Lord, protect us all from all kinds of storms that comes to our life. Amen
Prayer & Possibilities | Kathryn Shirey Prayer for Knowledge Holy Father, you who are all-knowing and wise, teach me your ways. I seek your wisdom and insight, I want to have knowledge and understanding. I seek your wisdom, so I can walk in the path you lay before me, knowing right from wrong, protecting against temptation and deceit. Fill me with your knowledge, O Lord, so I may walk in the straight and narrow path, in faithfulness to follow you. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen. Going Deeper: READ Proverbs 2:1-6. PRAY for God to fill you with his knowledge and wisdom. REMEMBER to stay rooted in God’s Word and tuned in to his wisdom and guidance. REFLECT and journal your response to God. What are your sources today for help with...
Counting the day and the hours when Jesus shall appear in the clouds in majesty and great glory to take us all home to His glorious presence, we must continue to praise, honor and glorify the name of the Lord our God. Our heart has become a temple of the Holy Spirit who calls on the Lord to come in and make His presence so real and so clear so everyone will know for sure Jesus is right here in our midst. O the glory of Gods holy presence, We His holy temple. Give Him reverence. Today and forever, We shall bow down before Him, Adore and praise His name. In the midst of our troubles. In all the trials we face. We must give God all the glory. All the honor and praise. He is our helper, An ever present. And ever near to us. Now, let us...
My brethren, count all joy when you fall into divers temptations, knowing that the trying of your faith, worketh patience. James 1. 2,3 Lovely verse to memorize and always remember when we are going throught trials and temptations, Jesus will deliver us and point our way towards His glorious presence. When tested for our belief in God, patience will be rewarded. When humanists and atheists comes along your path and tells you that there is no God at all and the world was created through evolution, the Big Bang happened that is what it came to be. And then they will add, we come from monkeys and like monkeys we are going to die. This is really a lie from hell and satan want us all believing in things that is not true. God...
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