Is jealousy justified sometimes?

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If "jealousy" means disliking the unfairness of some situations, I would say that the jealousy is justified.If there's something you crave more than anything, it's always out of reach, then you hear that someone else gets it,if not liking that makes you "jealous", then count me in.Now..I hear of people who have financial problems,then see someone else win the lottery.A person in ill health sees a jogger fly by their window.But for me, the "jealousy comes with those who have more time than me.As busy as I've been, and with no sign of it easing up..then I go into a business when it's "slow,"and see them sitting around ,how can I NOT be jealous,knowing ThEY are getting what I want?I'm "jealous" because of the unfairness.I think it would be "fair" if everyone had it "equal" instead of one gets it, and the other doesn't.What some see as a sin , by being "jealous",I call it a cry for fairness. Didn't Jesus say, in the Beatitudes,"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled"Is calling for fairness a form of hungering and thirsting for righteousness?
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