
  1. Sadie121

    Heavenly father, thank you for another opportunity. ...

    Heavenly father, thank you for another opportunity. Can you please offer me some peace in my mind? Please stay very close to me these next few weeks because I plan for you to be able to baptize me with the spirit. I'll just work around the house and hand out tracts. Please send my mother and I...
  2. Diercheinos

    Prayer For Me And My Child

    Greetings. Please continue to pray for me and my 7 year old daughter. She Is developing well always smiling laughing and happy. Her mother is very malicious and evil with Godly hate whojust threw a gospel track in the trash can intentionally for me to see it there more than once. My daughter...
  3. Anonymous

    Testimony in Bible study creates greater grace to witness

    I was just in a Bible study and there was a testimony given that a guy was passing out tracts on a bus and this guy said to the evangelist, "Jesus Christ should come down here and worship me because I've had to suffer so much." The evangelist replied by sharing how Christ left a very comfortable...
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