One BIG difference between the unsaved and us

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A radio pastor I listened to a long time ago said,"A world without Christ is a cruel world."Well, I can't help but observe certain things as I go on in life, and I would have to agree. I would use the word callous,as that means unfeeling.Now Christians, what are our fruits? Compassion,outgoing love of others,even sympathy.We're taught the higher aspects of humanity in the Spirit.Now look at the people out in "the world",and how they deal with people with problems.It's a cruel world. And nowhere does this come out more than when money is involved.If someone loses their job, is unemployed for a while, or just runs into unexpected expenses, how do the bill collecters act? Do you think they have "Christian compassion?"The landlord will put you out in the street, the finance company will repossess your car, the electric co. will leave you in the dark. And it doesn't matter if you have kids or not.If you can't pay the supermarket, you starve. Period. And your kids call starve with you.Looking at it, when I hear about the reign of the Antichrist,I can see the "spillover" from todays thinking to that. We read if we don't take the mark, persecution will come. Is it any different now?If we dom't have money, we can't do anything. If we don't take the mark,"no one can buy or sell'. It's the same mindset, only now with money, then with the mark. Goes back to that callous attitude.Which the unsaved have , and we don't.See what I mean? That hardhearted attitude.
Jesus compassionate heart for the unsaved is shown in the presence of the Samaritan woman at the well. Who is this prophet so I will believe? She said. It is the One who speaking to you. The Samaritan woman was heading to hell but Jesus saved her soul. The samething happened to the thief on the cross. Before he died, he believed in Jesus as the Son of God and Savior of the world. Unfeeling Christians are not saved not those who do not care for the need around them. We must keep working for Gods glory. He gives strenght to those who are weak. Fast and pray for your unsaved loved ones and friends. They need the Lord now and then live eternally in heaven.
Be happy, be joyful in the Lord because you are on your way to heaven. Fast and pray for those who are far away from Jesus, refuse to hear His word and do not come to church like they used to. Dear Jesus, save the souls of all the lost we know and bring them all to church and give their life to Jesus. Amen
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All Christians who love the Lord and read His word and obey what Jesus said, then they are on their way to our glorius home in heaven. Those who reject and refuse to come to Jesus and be their Savior and Lord, then they themselves are choosing the way of perdition.

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