Is taking advantage of someone a sin?

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Some sins are described in the Bible__homosexuality, idolatry,etc.But some things SEEM wrong, but may not be mentioned specifically.Because I had this problem with some, and have heard others have it. Taking advantage of someone, and with intent to do so.We're to help others. I understand that. But I'm not talking about legitimate needs.I'm talking about someone who makes a lifestyle out of making their lives easier by finding others to do everything for them.Like, among many unsaved people I notice a tendency that, once they get to know someone a little,instead of just seeing the person as someone to be friendly with,right away the thought comes to mind,"this person can do this and that for me.they can be useful to me."Now, is it a sin to look to use someone to your advantage?I would think to a certain extent it is, because it involves selfishness,when you have a legitimate reason you can't do it at a certain time, and they don't work with you, they "push it",and don't take no for an answer.They want to "jump the line",if it's job related and you have other appointments first, they "don't take no for an answer"and try to "push themselves in."Also selfishness because you could do 5 things for them, and you need one thing one day, and they give every excuse why they don't want to{in other words, "one-sided"} Also, they sometimes "turn on you" if you can't comply.What I'm saying, everyone thinks the person turning down the favor is the selfish one,but I think the person ASKING FOR something can be selfish.Also, we're supposed to help, but if someone asks us for something against our principals, like if an unsaved husband asks a Christian neighbor,"My wife is away. Go tell my mistress I'm alone in the house"...come intentionally taking advantage of someone a sin, if it's done for the purposes of manipulation?I somehow think so.
Let me ask you this... Is taking advantage of Jesus a sin? Do we sin every day and every day need Jesus' love and forgiveness? Of course we do. Do we take advantage of Jesus' Promises for us? I know I do and yet Jesus gives us the Promises. Is there anything in it for us to follow Jesus? Of course there is, everlasting life with Jesus in paradise, right? Why shouldn't we love and forgive others for using us especially when it is our fault if we let them use us too much.

It's a sin of our's to count our neighbors sin and even to hold it against them, isn't it?
Yeah figures you'd take the side of the one doing wrong.But maybe you have all this time to help,so when someone sees you as a sap and intentionally takes advantage of you,you have nothing else to do but run to help them. Some of the rest of us might be busy at the time.{Look up the word busy in the dictionary.}And your apples to oranges comparision,God the Father VOLUNTERED to send Jesus, and those of us who would be saved accepted it. That's a little different mindset than someone lurking around, looking for a sign of weakness,scheming on how to "use" someone.{And with things,in most cases, they could do themselves.}Also,when we ask something of God, since God can do things instantaneously, at any given moment He could be free to do it. We, as human beings, might be "bogged down" with other things at the time.Furthermore, if it is truly laziness,and we encourage it by giving in to them continually, aren't we encouraging them in a bad habit?I've had people ask me to do sinful things, a junkie neighbor wanted me to lend him money to get drugs, take him to his dealer. I once had someone who wanted me to lie in court for them, say I witnessed something when I wasn't even there.{And I could get arrested for perjury.}There's a difference between legitamite needs and taking advantage of someone,or you're encouraging them in a bad habit by "giving in".So if some Christians take that verse as "Do ANYTHING for ANYBODY at ANYTIME",I still say, use judgement per situation. But if you wouldn't mind getting drugs for someone or lying in court for them ,that's you. It's not me.
I was only making a point to love and forgive. Isn't that what we are supposed to do? Why make false accusations against a brother in Christ for doing something only in your head? I only took Jesus' side, the Bible's side and why put me down for that?

Do you actually think about what you are saying as saying something before a Great King and His loyal subjects before you type? Read Mathew 12 before you speak against a fellow believer especially verses 36 & 37.

I only take Jesus' side my friend! There is no need to accuse me or think of me as doing anything but standing for the Word of God! When I have done everything I can to stand, I will continue to stand for Jesus! isn't that from the pages of Jesus' Word?
I feel it is wrong to take advantage of people and use people. I don't even like being around those type of people (I pray for them but I don't spend time with them). I use things I don't use people. I have learned to pray about my giving and doing. If God doesn't lead me, then I will not do it or give it. Some people are users. They will not work but they spend a lot of time and effort in using and taking advantage of others.

Pray for them, forgive them, and leave those type of people alone if the Lord leads you. You don't want to become like them. Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend (Proverbs 27:17).

Here are some Scriptures...

"Do not take advantage of each other, but fear your God. I am the LORD your God" (Lev. 25:17).

"Never take advantage of poor and destitute laborers, whether they are fellow Israelites or foreigners living in your towns" (Deut. 24:14).

Don't take advantage of the poor just because you can; don't take advantage of those who stand helpless in court (Prov. 22:22).

If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn't do it, it is sin for them (James 4:17).

Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out (Prov. 10:9).

There are more Scriptures on this subject...Brother Search the Scriptures!
I was only making a point to love and forgive. Isn't that what we are supposed to do? Why make false accusations against a brother in Christ for doing something only in your head? I only took Jesus' side, the Bible's side and why put me down for that?

Do you actually think about what you are saying as saying something before a Great King and His loyal subjects before you type? Read Mathew 12 before you speak against a fellow believer especially verses 36 & 37.

I only take Jesus' side my friend! There is no need to accuse me or think of me as doing anything but standing for the Word of God! When I have done everything I can to stand, I will continue to stand for Jesus! isn't that from the pages of Jesus' Word?
There's a saying,"Walk a mile in my shoes".If you judge the situation from a distance, you're not here like I am, you don't know the EXACT CIRCUMSTANCES, so you could be coming to a wrong conclusion.You're only going by generalities.Andif your point is, do anything for anybody at any time, by getting someone drugs, isn't that a BIGGER SIN than turning them down?I think God understands we're supposed to use judgement in certain situations.
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I feel it is wrong to take advantage of people and use people. I don't even like being around those type of people (I pray for them but I don't spend time with them). I use things I don't use people. I have learned to pray about my giving and doing. If God doesn't lead me, then I will not do it or give it. Some people are users. They will not work but they spend a lot of time and effort in using and taking advantage of others.

Pray for them, forgive them, and leave those type of people alone if the Lord leads you. You don't want to become like them. Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend (Proverbs 27:17).

Here are some Scriptures...

"Do not take advantage of each other, but fear your God. I am the LORD your God" (Lev. 25:17).

"Never take advantage of poor and destitute laborers, whether they are fellow Israelites or foreigners living in your towns" (Deut. 24:14).

Don't take advantage of the poor just because you can; don't take advantage of those who stand helpless in court (Prov. 22:22).

If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn't do it, it is sin for them (James 4:17).

Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out (Prov. 10:9).

There are more Scriptures on this subject...Brother Search the Scriptures!
I agree with that. We can pray for them from a distance, etc. but if their intents are wrong, we don't have to encourage them in their wrongdoing by assisting them.
Can we all just search the Scriptures before we make blanket statements? Can we pray, and seek God on how to answer each other? Can we do it in love?

We are living in a nation the USA where '"some"' leaders lie and make blanket statements. And some of those leaders don't see anything wrong with it. I don't want to become like those leaders. No Christian should become like those leaders.

We are to be doers of God's Word and not hearers only!!!!
I was only making a point to love and forgive. Isn't that what we are supposed to do? Why make false accusations against a brother in Christ for doing something only in your head? I only took Jesus' side, the Bible's side and why put me down for that?

Do you actually think about what you are saying as saying something before a Great King and His loyal subjects before you type? Read Mathew 12 before you speak against a fellow believer especially verses 36 & 37.

I only take Jesus' side my friend! There is no need to accuse me or think of me as doing anything but standing for the Word of God! When I have done everything I can to stand, I will continue to stand for Jesus! isn't that from the pages of Jesus' Word?

Brother James and Brother Steven....Can we all just search the Scriptures before we make blanket statements? Can we pray, and seek God on how to answer each other? Can we do it in love?

We are living in a nation the USA where '"some"' leaders lie and make blanket statements. And some of those leaders don't see anything wrong with it. I don't want to become like those leaders. No Christian should become like those leaders.

You both are leaders in the Body of Christ ( you may not even know it). People are watching you. We must be a good example on this site to others. We are to be doers of God's Word and not hearers only!!!!

When any of us make general statements that are not the truth it makes us out of liers. We don't don't want to be known as a Christian that lies. WE all must watch the words we speak or write. And search the Scriptures. before we make blanket statements. We Are Christians....we must walk in truth and love and speak the truth in love.
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There's a saying,"Walk a mile in my shoes".If you judge the situation from a distance, you're not here like I am, you don't know the EXACT CIRCUMSTANCES, so you could be coming to a wrong conclusion.You're only going by generalities.Andif your point is, do anything for anybody at any time, by getting someone drugs, isn't that a BIGGER SIN than turning them down?I think God understands we're supposed to use judgement in certain situations.

I didn't say anything for or against what you initially stated. I didn't say that you are wrong or right. What is your point in putting words in my mouth that I didn't and wouldn't state? There is One that judges me, stands for me, protects me and fights for me! His Name is Jesus! Are you for Jesus or against Jesus? Do you desire to suffer for speaking against someone who has Jesus in their heart?

Read Mathew 12 but especially concentrate on verses 36 & 37

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