Don't Be Deceived By Lucifer...

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The Encourager

The Encourager
God I ask in Jesus name, Don’t let me be deceived by Lucifer or anyone. If there is any thing in my life (pride, jealously, rebellion, profanity, lying, deception, gluttony, homosexually, adultery, fornication, demonic activity, or anything that is displeasing unto You) please revel it to me, deliver me, and protect me from it. Deliver me from anything and everything that will cause me to rebel against Your Will for my life or Your Word. God show me, ME. Show me how ugly sin is in Your eyesight. You hate sin. Give me a hate for sin. Let me hate what You hate and love what You love. Help me to keep my focus on pleasing You in all that I say, do, and think. Make me always check my motives and be honest with You and myself. Don’t let me make excuses for my sin or try to cover my sin. Let me come to You, acknowledge my sin, and repent from it. And all that I have asked You God to do for me in this prayer, please do the same for my family, friends, the writer of this prayer and the one who sent this prayer to me. Amen, so be it, and it is so…

Be Encouraged…God Loves You…And Pass This Prayer On!!!
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