Dear Father, From my place I will be in the other

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Beloved of All
Dear Father,

From my place I will be in the other year within less 10 hours. If I looked at the past from January to December of this year, Lord, I have learned so many from You. Thank You for all the hardships I have been through together with You. Thank You that I am still okay, there is no wound or bad changes in my physical body, You even let me to have a younger look than my age, thank You for living with lack of cash, thank You for keep hoping and do not get rejected, thank You for my published books, thank You for the flowers of my handycrafts keep on sales, but more of it is that thank You for keep being with me, thank You for teaching to train my bad characters to be better. I am still learning, Lord, and thank You to keep me learn. Thank You that I can do everything. I can, Lord, and I am able to do everything that is still ongoing and that will to come in. Because You are with me. I am not the minority, but the majority because You are on my side. Thank You, Lord. You deserve to receive my love, dedication, my strength, and the whole of my life. Forgive me for the weaknesses, doubts, arguments, angers, for days filled with no thankfulness. Please complete Your works in me, and make it as the glory of Your Name. I love You, Lord, Yeshua Hamashiach, there is none like You!
In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray, that our Dear Lord will see you through your difficult situations, when you are discouraged and full of unspeakable fear. I ask you Lord Jesus that you walk beside your children during those hard times. They cannot carry their burdens, but we know that You can and You will, oh God.


I pray that You guide your children and help them to stay strong no matter what comes their way. I also pray that You help their faith to get stronger and that your children continue to grow in You. In Your Love and Your Holy Spirit, we abide, Amen.
The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged (Deuteronomy 31:8)

My thoughts and prayers are with you. Put your trust in the Lord. Pray daily! Believe!
Thank you for giving us the privilege to pray on your behalf. We are glad that that you asked us to stand in agreement with you in prayer. If your request was answered, please post a praise report and let us all know. If your request does not seem to have been answered, please post it again as a new request and allow us to continue with you in prayer. We all hope that our prayers are answered in the way that we want. Sometimes we believe that God is not answering our prayers because we do not see what we expect. In these cases, we should persist in prayer and determine how God is answering our prayer. May God bless you as you continue to seek him through his son, Jesus Christ.
Do you know how to pray? Read this powerful compilation of Spurgeon, Ryle, Bunyan and others. Includes titles such as Continue in Prayer, Hindrances to Prayer, and What True Prayer Is. This and other resources are now integrated into the Virtual Prayer Partner that you can interact with.
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