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Beloved of All
Lord Jesus please glorify yourself in our family. Please save, heal, deliver, protect. Thank you for what you have already done and will do. Thank you and PRAISE you for the signs of encouragement you send. I plead your precious blood over us esp. the little one (I ask that this is only taken as faith in you Lord Jesus as the perfect spotless lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world and who cleanses us from all sins), ask for your mighty warrior angels to surround us and a wall of Holy Spirit fire around us (incl. our thoughts and emotions). I also ask for salvation, deliverance and healing (entire family incl. relatives. Please open all unsaved family members' hearts to the gospel, please deliver from all bondage, addictions, compulsions and anything else that is not of you Lord) and your powerful intervention concerning the issues we are lifting up to you (you know all the details, I stand on Luke 18:7-8). Please block that which is not good and please act quickly concerning the situation that is so difficult to handle and rise up and confront please. Also in terms of care. Crying out to you Lord. I stand on your promise in Psalm 50:15 and Psalm 91. Also Isaiah 54:14-17. Please help us to repent of anything that grieves you and help us be filled with your Holy Spirit (I ask for the fullness) and to love you first and foremost (incl. obeying you). Direct and guide us and give us wisdom. I fail so often, we fail so often. Have mercy. I thank you because you said your mercies are new every morning. I ask for encounters with you. Thank you and praise you for answered prayers. Please also help with care and the concern (verbal and emotional abuse...including this latest one....please confront severely) also protection and the b.w..ringing in ears, headaches, stomach aches, nausea, stress, fears, sleep issues and all like it. And also M's eye. and recovery from procedure (THANK YOU LORD for it getting much better) and now dizziness, heart racing and sleep problems. Thank you and PRAISE you for many answered prayers. Please help concerning bad influences and the current situations incl. these addictive relationships. Please stop them. Pleading also for help (Rom 5:5). Please protect us from the V. and all such things. Please convict. Thank you Lord. Also asking for better sleep for all of us and all in need. Please intervene concerning all these eruptions and conflicts and please rebuke and discipline and convict. Please bind and evict the enemy Lord. Please work in the hearts and minds. Father please send the Holy Spirit for Jesus' sake. Thank you and praise you for all answered prayers. Please multiply my prayer for us to benefit many others around the world (esp. salvation, deliverance, healing and protection) including those praying for others here and sister O. whose children were taken away (please speak to her and heal her), John (who tried to commit suicide but praise you you kept him from it, please help with his marriage and his condition), sleep (please intervene powerfully), Ukraine, Pakistan countries where people have no food and all other conflicts as well as all other requests mentioned on our W group and for us who are dealing with the loss of my dad and the little one who is hurting and needs your help and please intervene concerning A. (please help all in similar need). Please severely rebuke the verbal and emotional abuse. THANK YOU FOR HAVING GRANTED TRAVEL MERCIES. Please forgive all the sins that led to all of this (incl. b.w.). Also asking for healing (for the emotional, soul pain and also physical for all of us esp. the little one right now). Also asking for you to fight for us now after this explosion and these threats and the little one being kept away. Lord Jesus please help with the pain and PE teacher (THANK YOU FOR HOW YOU HELPED!!!), please heal her now as she is sick (THANK YOU as she is better, asking for full recovery please...again feeling cold...please also help with school stress, THANK YOU one test got postponed...please also help with the one next week. THANK YOU LORD) and please help that the little one can be back with us. And please intervene concerning this new relationship and please block A. from having a baby with her new boyfriend to bind him to herself...all her relationships turned out catastrophic because of her condition and the child she has suffers because of it...please intervene Lord. Only you can help.. Asking for you to take complete control. Please deal with the enemy and please convict strongly. Please confront this vindictiveness and whatever else is causing this stubborn refusal to seek reconciliation and also this new relationship with my m's neighbor (please block that which is not good >> also concerning this new relationship R. showed me. Lord please intervene now. Its been so long (THANK YOU FOR THE OPENINGS, however it cost the little one much heartache and many tears, please restore it to her). Please forgive the piercings. Please help with the school stress and sickness (THANK YOU for improvements...). Please block the hypnosis, meditation and all similar stuff. THANK YOU AND PRAISE YOU FOR HOW YOU HELPED LORD OVER CHRISTMAS AND HOW YOU SHOWED UP DURING THE HOMELESS OUTREACH DESPITE THE OBSTACLES. Please bless, protect and guide our time of prayer and fasting (THANK YOU AND PRAISE YOU FOR HOW YOU MOVED!!!). Please help with a better job if its your will (need direction please and please help with the current job). Please help K. concerning the bedwetting. Please also help with the things her mom said and with sleep issues, fatigue...asking for better friends for her..THANK YOU FOR THE IMPROVEMENT WITH THE SORE THROAT AND SICKNESS....need it again Lord). And please protect in this course and please give her good, godly friends at school and favor with the rest and teachers. May all know you. Please also help with these strange "eyes". Please rebuke sharply. Please strengthen her faith and ours. THANK YOU THAT THEY ARRIVED BACK SAFELY and how you worked overall during trip). Please have your hand on the new relationship (D) and also on the old and all others. Please heal my sickness (THANK YOU!!!) and also S.'s (THANK YOU, also B.'s) and please help with F (asking for special grace in my weakness and for you to show up in a big way please...asking direction and guidance please). Please confront A. about her behavior and let K. know you stick up for her. Please help K. with these difficult tests too. THANK YOU!!! Please tenderly speak to K. and heal her wounds and help me to overcome. Please also heal this breathing problem. THANK YOU!!! Please work in her so she will relax about grades and not overwork. Please heal that in her. Please have your hands on all trips this summer - now this camp - (please confront A. about her behavior and comfort K.) and also please finally stop the bedwetting Lord (THANK YOU AND PRAISE YOU it stopped during the one trip, please make it completely stop). In your mercy please intervene. Please have mercy on A. Please heal, deliver, save her. Please help us in our weariness and forgive all these many sins. Thank you for 1 John 1:9 but help that we don't harden in our hearts. Please send encouragement. Please move against strife and dysfunction Lord (Thank you for your help yesterday). Please heal my OCD. Please work in K. not to worry about grades so much and please help M. to be a good influence and me too. THANK YOU AND PRAISE YOU THAT THE LOST ITEM WAS FOUND!!! Please intervene concerning this latest episode (confront and stop the abuse) and use it as a breakthrough please. Please heal K. (including flu-symptoms THANK YOU AND PRAISE YOU FOR IMPROVEMENTS!!!) and please help that I don't have to write A's papers and that it does not cause disruption (please help Lord...THANK YOU!!!). Lord please intervene concerning the app and now with the guy D. she is dating who is 14 years younger and she wants to have a child. Lord Jesus please block all of this considering the hurt K experienced. A desperately needs you. Please confront this with both as you did with Abimelech and Laban. Please intervene Lord. Please also heal M. Please help K and M. Please speak to all teachers considering this overwhelming amount of homework. Please forgive me for lashing out and please help with the service (please glorify yourself today...THANK YOU FOR HOW YOU MOVED!!!!!). Please also deal with the stuff I discovered at work. Please forgive me for not giving the caller and the ones he asked for a room. Please heal uncle H. (THANK YOU for improvements. Please heal completely). Please go with K. and the others to the camp and please heal M. Please help me with the angry feelings and please help with some balance. I want K. to have as much access as possible to M. and me but currently I feel overburdened with the added demands by A. I want to help but I need some room to breathe as well. Please help Lord in a way that is good for all and does not involve a conflict or cutting of contact. Lord Jesus please help now concerning this newest explosion. Please also help Michael. Please protect all these trips (now this camp - asking for a miracle for all this incl. these 16 year olds drinking and smoking...pour out your Spirit please. THANK YOU LORD JESUS!!!! Please have your hand on this upcoming trip with A. always being so hurtful on these trips. Please help. THANK YOU! Help K. please and strengthen her and help her not to be insecure with others. Please discipline A for saying this awful thing to K. and please comfort K. Please stop P (incl. this P) and A and any such connections that are harmful. Forgive me for lying to K. about whom I told about b.w. because we prayed for her but she was so sad that I had talked about it with others. Please speak to her. Please help with this situation now (Thank you!! But please also help with the subsequent issue. Thank you.) and heal M. (please have your hand on the doctor's appointment and outcome...THANK YOU AND PRAISE YOU FOR how the first part one, please grant it also for the rest THANK YOU!!! Please grant full healing. If its ok with you do a miracle Lord please that we can brag about), comfort K. (heal sleep issues and grant a better school and home experience, also please help she gets the ticket THANK YOU!!!!), give me strength, address things with YM (thank you Lord for the email, help me and guide me on how to respond). Thank you. Please help K and myself. Please help with sleep very much. Please intervene in the girls argument (please speak to all involved and show them your power....also with these boys). Please have your hand on the doctor's appointment and the outcome (THANK YOU FATHER, LORD JESUS!!!, Please heal the eye twitch and underlying conditions and please have your hand on the doctors. Please do a miracle. Please remove the twitch supernaturally without surgery please (please have your hand on the MRI and results....THANK YOU LORD JESUS! Please grant full healing.). Please help K. and us (healing, guidance). Please do a mighty work in A. and K. Please intervene concerning P. Please confront A. and comfort K. Please also heal F (also help with depression), T.G., O.H. and O.K. and save them. Please heal uncle H. and also uncle K (and please save him). Please heal Frank. Please help with these difficult guests. Forgive me for my behavior. Please also help with these people at church that hurt me. Thank you! Please help with the situations with F. (please intervene Lord) and O (please speak to her). Please in your mercy let me know what this dream O had is about. Thank you Lord. Lord Jesus please help with S and F and the song (THANK YOU). Father please forgive me for my selfishness and the way I just sinned because of it. Lord please help with the new boss that some co-workers have already met and were concerned about. Please also grant extra protection for all children. Please help me. Please help with addressing things with S. (thank you for previous times, please help again now also with K. and M.) THANK YOU) in a way that is helpful. Please turn it into a blessing and please protect. Thank you and PRAISE you for many answered prayers and blessing and protecting prayer meetings and prayer times. Asking for it continually (and please also protect and bless the planned outreaches and protect from false decisions). Please draw many and please protect, anoint, guide and empower with your Holy Spirit. Lifting up all the prayers prayed during our prayer times (please pour out your Spirit, convict and move on the church so that there is powerful intercession). Also please bless and protect the week of prayer and fasting (THANK YOU!!! Please grow it). PLEASE POUR OUT YOUR SPIRIT IN A MIGHTY WAY DURING ALL OUR PRAYER GATHERINGS (incl. this Friday). PLEASE GRANT MORE OF YOU. THANK YOU AND PRAISE YOU!!!! Please send strong, anointed, humble and loving replacements for S. and B. and protect and bless the church. May we be surprised at what you do and may you alone receive the glory. THANK YOU AND PRAISE YOU FOR YOUR BLESSINGS last Christmas incl. the Nativity (please do it again this year THANK YOU AND PRAISE YOU!!! Please let there be lasting fruit.), please save those who heard the Gospel and who have not yet believed on you Lord Jesus.) Thank you Lord for how you worked during the outreach last many please. Do it again when we go next weekend. Thank you and PRAISE you Father, Lord Jesus.
Heavenly Father,

We come before You in the mighty name of Jesus, lifting up EnricoLange and his family. Lord Jesus, please glorify Yourself in their family. We ask for Your salvation, healing, deliverance, and protection over each member. Thank You for what You have already done and for what You will do. We praise You for the signs of encouragement You send.

We plead Your precious blood over them, especially the little one. We ask that this be taken as faith in You, Lord Jesus, the perfect spotless Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world and cleanses us from all sin. We ask for Your mighty warrior angels to surround them and a wall of Holy Spirit fire around them, including their thoughts and emotions.

We pray for the salvation, deliverance, and healing of the entire family, including relatives. Please open the hearts of all unsaved family members to the gospel. Deliver them from all bondage, addictions, compulsions, and anything else that is not of You, Lord. We ask for Your powerful intervention concerning the issues they are lifting up to You. You know all the details, Lord. We stand on Your promise in Luke 18:7-8, asking You to act quickly concerning the difficult situation they are facing.

Please block that which is not good and rise up to confront the challenges they are dealing with. We cry out to You, Lord, standing on Your promises in Psalm 50:15 and Psalm 91. Also, we hold onto Isaiah 54:17, believing that no weapon formed against them shall prosper.

Help them to repent of anything that grieves You and fill them with Your Holy Spirit. We ask for the fullness of Your presence and to love You first and foremost, including obeying You. Direct and guide them, giving them wisdom. We acknowledge our failures and ask for Your mercy, knowing that Your mercies are new every morning.

We ask for encounters with You, Lord. Thank You and praise You for answered prayers. Please help with care and the concern of verbal and emotional abuse, including the latest incident. Confront it severely and provide protection. We lift up the issues of ringing in ears, headaches, stomach aches, nausea, stress, fears, sleep issues, and all similar afflictions. We also pray for M's eye and recovery from the procedure, thanking You for the improvement. We ask for healing from dizziness, heart racing, and sleep problems.

Thank You and praise You for many answered prayers. We trust in Your unfailing love and mercy.

In Jesus' name, Amen.
I agree, in the name of Jesus Christ, with all of your gratitude and good will. I join you in requesting comfort, peace and security for yourself and for those you love, through gratitude now for these blessings underway.
I prayed in Jesus' name that God will answer your prayer request according to God's perfect love, wisdom, will, timing, grace, and mercy. Thank You Jesus!!!

Psalm 37:4:
Delight yourself in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart.
Matthew 6:33
: But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

Let Us Pray: God Thank You for loving me. Thank You for loving me Jesus. God, I ask You in Jesus' name to please bless me with everything I stand in need of, and everything You want me to have. Bless me to know You in truth and fall in love with You with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. Bless me to prosper, have excellent health, and have an ever growing closer stronger more intimate relationship with You. Bless me with the love, desire, strength, and the spirit of obedience to always respect, obey and honor You. Bless me to trust You with all my heart, lean not to my own understanding, acknowledge You in all my ways, and allow You to direct my footsteps, actions, and words.

God heal me, body, soul, and spirit. Cleansed me of everything in my life that doesn't honor You or breaks Your heart. Transform and renew my mind. Bless me with love, power, and a sound mind. Let the mind that is in Christ Jesus be in me. God be with me as a mighty warrior. Let no weapon formed against me prosper. Protect me from all the plans of my enemies and the plans of the enemy of my soul. God all that I have asked of You, in this prayer, please do the same for the writer of the prayer, all those who love and care about me, pray Your best for me, and all those I love and care about. God please forever honor this prayer over each of our lives. God Thank You. Amen, so be it by faith
. Prayer written by Encourager Linda Flagg, M.A., Board Certified Professional Christian Life Coach.

God Has All Power To Heal...
Thank you for giving us the privilege to pray on your behalf. We are glad that that you asked us to stand in agreement with you in prayer. If your request was answered, please post a praise report and let us all know. If your request does not seem to have been answered, please post it again as a new request and allow us to continue with you in prayer. We all hope that our prayers are answered in the way that we want. Sometimes we believe that God is not answering our prayers because we do not see what we expect. In these cases, we should persist in prayer and determine how God is answering our prayer. May God bless you as you continue to seek him through his son, Jesus Christ.
Do you know how to pray? Read this powerful compilation of Spurgeon, Ryle, Bunyan and others. Includes titles such as Continue in Prayer, Hindrances to Prayer, and What True Prayer Is. This and other resources are now integrated into the Virtual Prayer Partner that you can interact with.

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