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Do you know how to pray? Read this powerful compilation of Spurgeon, Ryle, Bunyan and others. Includes titles such as Continue in Prayer, Hindrances to Prayer, and What True Prayer Is. This and other resources are now integrated into the Virtual Prayer Partner that you can interact with.
Thank you for giving us the privilege to pray on your behalf. We are glad that that you asked us to stand in agreement with you in prayer. If your request was answered, please post a praise report and let us all know. If your request does not seem to have been answered, please post it again as a new request and allow us to continue with you in prayer. We all hope that our prayers are answered in the way that we want. Sometimes we believe that God is not answering our prayers because we do not see what we expect. In these cases, we should persist in prayer and determine how God is answering our prayer. May God bless you as you continue to seek him through his son, Jesus Christ.

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