Help And Be Helped

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It is okay to share feelings, that is how others know that you are reaching out and need support and lifted back up, and that is one reason we are here, so I do not discourage that at all and want members to seek support. But, there is more then just seeking help which one should do when needed, but there is a great need as well for being the help.

Many just run here to get the help and then run out. We only see them in their lows, never in their highs when they could be a blessing in return. This ministry was intended to be a two fold purpose, we all help one another. When you are down, I would hold up your arms, and when I am down, you will hold up mine. It is a give and take united force. We sustain one another, and if everyone does both, then we develop a balance for all.

Also, as I have tried to emphasize, it is key to your own stand to reach out to others as well as seeking help. If you want to see movement in your situation, if you want to find a place of peace and joy in the Lord in your situation, then the way to that is to become a supporter and light for everyone else. God watches and knows if you are just taking and never putting back. Those who put back are blessed by God. We are not to be just receivers of the word, but doers of the word.

If you get so focused on your own situation and wallow in the despair of it, you are not helping yourself, you are just helping Satan to make you more miserable. This is a very hard road to walk, that is for sure, but the walk through it becomes easier and the burden much lighter when you can throw yourself into serving God on the way.

The greatest miracles come when you are not looking for them, when you are so focused on brothers and sisters around you and reaching out and helping them up, helping them to stand, and then your mind becomes so absorbed with helping others rather then just feeling your despair. You suddenly find you have this strength and empowered feeling that you did not have before. That comes from fighting for the entire Kingdom of brothers and sisters in this battle which is glorifying to God, something that does not come with just fighting for oneself. Then boom, suddenly at a time when you are not even thinking about yourself or your marriage, God has your spouse standing on your doorstep. When you bless others, you will be blessed by God, and that is how it works. Be a blessing and receive a blessing. It is all spiritual law, sow and reap, plant and harvest, give and be given.

That is exactly how I ended up in this ministry. When my marriage came to a crisis and I first became a stander, God set me out on a journey to pray for all other marriages in crisis. I got so caught up in listening to others, praying for them, encouraging them, initiating prayer fasts for all marriages, hunting out scripture and sharing Gods word about marriages with others...I was so consumed with all of this, that I totally forgot about my own marriage and husband, literally. If it did cross my mind, I just felt a peace and a confidence that God was dealing with my situation while I was busy doing what He wanted me to do. I was on fire big time. All was well and joyous, and I am sure the enemy was totally perplexed as well...which is a good thing. Suddenly to my great surprise, my husband was home and it was over. I did not even see him coming!

So this battle can be faced one of two ways. You can either plod painstakingly through it, wallowing in despair and clinging to Gods lifeboat, and God will bring you through it, it make take longer and be a harder trip...


you can warrior up and come out fighting for the Kingdom, being a driving force against the gates of hell. I have done both and believe me the second is much easier and much greater in your life, in all ways. You grow faster, you transform in Christ faster, you find a closer connection with the spiritual and God; and wondrous things can happen that will pump you up even stronger.

It is empowering and you find you become someone you have never been before. You will have the peace and joy of God. You will find a confidence that gets everyone’s attention, including your spouse. You will draw others to you, including your spouse, if nothing else out of curiosity as to why you are so together in the midst of crisis..what do you have that they are missing. That is what God wants you to be, and the only way to it is to rise up and storm the gates of hell like a true warrior, not just for yourself but for all marriages in the Kingdom of God.

The bible tells us that when Jesus rose from the grave and ascended to be with the Father, He was given all authority in Heaven and earth, and He then delegated His authority to us and told us to go forth into the world and use it, to slay demons, and drive the enemy out. Jesus did the hard part on the cross and defeated Satan and his demonic forces from our lives. The dark forces come in because of open doors allowing them to enter. But we are given the power to drive them back out and slam the door on them. This is what we are called to do not just for ourselves, but for all brothers and sisters in Christ. God wants us to be a united army against the dark forces. A strong undefeatable army. But it is hard to be that army when most of the ranks are off hiding wherever and never showing their faces or opening their mouths. It is an army where the majority of the forces have went awol.

So many here do not want to unite with the others and be a part of that army. They just want to come and read, maybe not speak a word or not participate in any way, or if they do they just ask for prayer and then go back out again.

The truth is that most struggle because they choose to do so, because they are not getting up, uniting and marching out with the army as God intended them to do by bringing them here. We always hear how if we all would just set aside and dedicate ourselves to prayer and the word of God for one hour a day, we would be amazed how much our lives and situations would improve. Think about how much more so if one could dedicate one hour a day fighting for others in need. God talks about sowing seeds, and seeds are not always money seeds, the greatest seeds one can sow is a blessing into another ones life. Prayer for another, a helping hand, a word of encouragement, etc, most of which is needed by hundreds of people a week right here on this site (Click Here to See all The Requests for Prayer You Can Reply and Reach Out To).

People want to see the hand of God move in their situations, but they do not want to take the time to extend their own hand to another, a brother or sister suffering the same as themselves. They do not want to sow into a blessing from God, they just want God to drop it on them when they stand there and scream for it. But God says:

Gen 8:22 While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

Throughout the bible God speaks about seed time and harvest, and the majority of the scriptures speak about how the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. Forever people have wanted the harvest of God, but they do not want to do the labor. People are dying in the world, unsaved, that should not be, because the number of Gods people is great in number, but it is happening anyway because so many are not going forth into the world as He told us to do. No wonder the enemy is so active in this world and in Christians lives. Do you think that one single member of his army is slacking off? Not!

The saddest thing is, the harvest is plentiful...the incoming crop that comes from the sowing the seed is plentiful...not just in people being saved and helped, but in blessings for the sower, but I guess there are only a handful of us that need a blessing enough to go for it.

God bless and Amen to all.

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