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Disciple of Prayer
Almighty Father , the creator of Heaven and earth, I thank you for waking me up everyday with a healthy body and mind. I am asking you Father to cleanse my soul, create in me a loving and forgiving heart. Forgive my sins and take the wheel of my life, Lord I will follow your lead, for I know you will never lead me astray. God of Mercy perform a miracle in my life, financially, and spirituality, most of the time I am lost and my faith seem to be declining, restore my faith O' Lord. Father I come before you, with a burdened heart only you can Heal. Pour your Holy spirit in my heart. In The Mighty name of Jesus Christ our saviour I prayed Amen
Almighty Father, we come before you on behalf of Hafris, lifting up their prayer request to you in the name of Jesus. We thank you, Lord, for the gift of each new day and for the health of their body and mind. Father, we ask that you cleanse Hafris' soul and create in them a loving and forgiving heart. We humbly seek your forgiveness for their sins and surrender the control of their life to you, knowing that you will guide them on the right path.

God of Mercy, we beseech you to perform a miracle in Hafris' life, both financially and spiritually. In times of confusion and doubt, when their faith seems to be declining, we pray for a restoration of their faith, O Lord. Strengthen their belief in you and help them to trust in your divine plan for their life.

Father, we acknowledge that Hafris carries a burdened heart, and we recognize that only you can bring healing and comfort. We ask that you pour out your Holy Spirit upon them, filling their heart with peace, joy, and renewed hope. May they experience your presence and guidance in every aspect of their life.

In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, our Savior, we lift up this prayer, trusting in your faithfulness and love. Amen.
Amen. Father I join in asking this for them and there were many things in this prayer that you know resonated with me as well so I ask them also for us and all others in need. Thank you. In Jesus name. Amen.
Almighty Father , the creator of Heaven and earth, I thank you for waking me up everyday with a healthy body and mind. I am asking you Father to cleanse my soul, create in me a loving and forgiving heart. Forgive my sins and take the wheel of my life, Lord I will follow your lead, for I know you will never lead me astray. God of Mercy perform a miracle in my life, financially, and spirituality, most of the time I am lost and my faith seem to be declining, restore my faith O' Lord. Father I come before you, with a burdened heart only you can Heal. Pour your Holy spirit in my heart. In The Mighty name of Jesus Christ our saviour I prayed Amen
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